Delicious and nutritious fruits to taste in Greece

May 24, 2022 0 comments

  Every season has its fruits.

Hot summers in Greece would be incomplete without the variety of delicious and nutritious fruits.

The season starts in May with strawberries, cherries and apricots. Later in the same month, peaches  and nectarines appear at markets. The watermelon season begins in July and is followed by grapes which you can enjoy up until October. Figs are the fruit of August  and can be found everywhe. Also this month you can find a juicy pear that its name is kontoula  because of its size!

Prepare your senses to taste all of them. 

Apricots are a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C.  These vitamins play an important role in the immune system and for healthy eyes. Full of antioxidant that help protect the cells in the body from damaging free radicals.

 Cherries and Strawberries contain a similar number of iron, magnesium and vitamin K 

 Both of them contain a wide variety of nutrients beneficial for healthy choices.

Fresh fruits  are excellent sources of fiber.

Fiber is vital because it helps the body regulate its blood sugar levels, aids digestion, prevent constipation and promote overall gastrointestinal health.

 Peaches and nectarines have similar nutrient profiles. 

 Nectarines contain lutein, zeaxanthin, and other phytochemicals with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  The authors from a study,  concluded that nectarines may promote longevity by decreasing oxidative damage and improving glucose metabolism.

 Peaches have fuzzy skin. Peaches contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber helps stabilize blood sugar and keeps cholesterol levels in check. They are full with polyphenols and carotenoids. White varieties are sweeter than red.

A sweet and juicy watermelon,is the perfect treat to quench your thirst during the summer heat. Its water content is high and gives your body adequate hydration. It is considered good source of lycopene. According to a study, lycopene is believed  that  decreases the risk and growth of prostate cancer cells.

Grapes  contain powerful antioxidants, resveratrol and quercetin. Several studies indicate that may protect against heart disease and cancer.

Figs are soft and sweet fruit.It is considered as an aphrodisiac fruit that has the ability to stimulate sexual arousal.

Fig is also good source of calcium and potassium, very important ingredients for the density of bones.It contains healthy levels of a B-complex group of vitamins.

Pears come in many different varieties.Kontoula is a variety that you can find in August. Juicy and sweet fruit, rich in folate,potassium and antioxidants. The dietary fiber of pear, promote and increase the levels of healthy gut bacteria.It keeps your tummy full and satisfies your wish for sweet flavour.

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