Enjoy Greek summer eating cherries!

Jun 5, 2022 0 comments

 June….the month of cherries!🍒🍒

In the folk tradition, the name of June is Kerasinos or Kerasaris because this month the wonderful cherries (kerasia in Greek language) ripen! 

What do cherries offer us besides summer flavor and aroma?

*Cherries are rich in melatonin. Helps treat insomnia because melatonin is a hormone that  regulates circadian rhythm.

 *Their consumption after intense exercise, reduces post-workout damage.

* They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action and protect  body's cells.

*Helps to control blood pressure due to its high potassium content, promoting heart health.


* It is one of the best natural remedies for constipation.

*They may help you lose weight. A cup (130 gr.) of cherries  provides 87 calories.Are you looking for a healthy snack? Or something gluten-free? Savour some delicious cherries!  We eat them just as they are,  or with  yogurt or combined with a few unsalted almonds!

*They improve the health of the teeth since their consumption suppresses those enzymes that are responsible for the formation of plaque in the teeth.

* Cherries are one of the fruits that are good to be consumed by people suffering from anemia because it is a good source of plant - based iron.

* The anthocyanins they contain will also take care of the health of the brain.

Cherries are in season in June, July and August. 

1 serving of fruit = 12 cherries

Thanks for reading the post!💝

Source : https://www.diatrofikovima.com/


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