November 25 – Feast today: Saint Catherine

Nov 25, 2022 0 comments

 November 25 – Feast today: Saint Catherine

Her father's name was Konstas or Kestos, and he was a lord of the region where he had a lot of wealth. In this environment, Saint Catherine grew up learning alongside the best teachers due to her father's financial prosperity and her inexhaustible spirit.

Her cultured spirit, her great beauty and her family's wealth made her one of the most sought-after brides in her region. Wanting to marry someone equal to her, she did not accept the consulships that were going to her.

Her mother trying to solve this problem sent her to visit and consult with a Christian ascetic who was ascetic just outside of Alexandria. With the advice of the ascetic and a dream she saw with the Virgin, she decided to learn more about Christianity and to be baptized a Christian. After her baptism, she saw the Virgin Mary and Christ in her dream.

The Virgin put a ring on her hand and asked her to have Her Son as her only bridegroom. Waking up, she saw the ring on her finger and realized that it wasn't just a dream. Since then she dedicated her life to Christ and the true religion.

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